Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Miscarried Start

This morning 7:30 I received a text-message from Katka Henesova. She starts now with her car from Brno, but she's not sure if she could make it on time (>> 13:30) depending on the traffic situation. "Shall we say 13:30" I asked her, to be on the safe side. "I DON'T KNOW NOW!I'll let you know.Maybe is everything OK and I'm on the time,but maybe not." Oh yes, that's Katka! Look at the LARGE letters! Her sharp tongue can make you bleed ;-)

I didn't wanna be late, so had to hurry up. I changed money and I paid the rent at my real estate company. Finally I bought some food (don't ever let your models die of hunger!) and were at home much earlier than just on schedule. After I had cleaned my rooms a second time, Katka asked if it's okay when she comes only at 14h. So continued waiting. But finally she cancelled completely: "I'm sorry Chris,but I cann't come :-(.I'll write you more details in email...K."

Well, that was it. That was my first shooting day in Prague. I'm disappointed, but not thouroughly depressed. This happens all the times. Since the wheather was kinda ugly anyway today, I just stayed at home and googled for new models. And I also received some positive informations: Petia wants to shoot with me next week.

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